What is the Difference Between Cell and Tissue?

what is the difference between cell and tissue

Cells and tissues make up a living thing. They are equally important and have a structural presence in all creatures. Without the cells, there would be no tissues; also, each type of tissue in multicellular animals is formed by a different type of cell.

The difference between cells and tissues is that a cell is the tiniest structural and functional unit of an organism. Whereas a tissue is any of the various types of material that make up an animal or plant and are made up of specialized cells and their byproducts.

Let’s learn the definitions of cells and tissues below:

What is a Cell?

what is a cell

Latin used the word “cell,” which means “little room.” Robert Hook first identified a cell as the smallest unit of an organism having a nucleus in 1665. 

The basic structural functional unit of life, a cell is commonly known as the body’s base.

The structural and operational unit of life is the cell. A wall is made up of a set of bricks, which also creates a home or a structure.

Cells are the fundamental building blocks that make up a tissue, an organ, an organ system, and, lastly, an organism. Hence, cells are crucial to an organism.

Characteristics of Cells

The important characteristics of cells are below:

  1. Our body’s most minor structural and functional units are cells.
  2. They are the tissue’s basic building blocks.
  3. They carry out tasks like growth, metabolism, protein synthesis, etc.
  4. Ribosomes, Golgi bodies, the nucleus, and semi-particles can be listed as their elements.
  5. They go through meiosis and mitosis to grow and develop.
  6. Tissues consist of groups of cells.

Two Main Types of Cells

two main types of cells

There are two main types of cells. One is eukaryotic and one is prokaryotic:

1. Prokaryotic Cells

A prokaryotic cell is a plain, one-celled organism that lacks a nucleus. Soon, it will become clear that this is very different in eukaryotes. The nucleoid, a dark area in the center of the cell, is where prokaryotic DNA is located.

All internal elements, including DNA, RNA, proteins, and metabolites, are found in prokaryotic cells in the cytoplasm rather than in different cellular components.

2. Eukaryotic Cells

A cell with a membrane-bound nucleus and additional compartments or sacs, known as organelles, each with a specific purpose, is known as a eukaryotic cell. 

The term “eukaryotic” refers to cells that have a membrane-bound nucleus, and the word itself means “genuine kernel” or “real nucleus.” Said eukaryotic cells are prokaryotic cells with more complexity.

Read more: What is the Difference Between a Nucleotide and a Nucleoside?

What is a Tissue?

what is a tissue

A tissue consists of cells that work together in the body. The word “tissue” derives from the word “tisser,” which means something woven, exactly as the layers of the cells are “woven” together to form clumps.

A tissue is one of an organism’s building blocks, whether animal or a plant. Tissues make up an organism, and each cell makes up a tissue. Cellular groups are called tissues to carry out specific tasks for the body. They are a collection of cells with an origin, structure, and purpose.

Muscles, nerves, and connective tissues are examples of types. Organs are composed of various types of tissue. An organ is a heart. It is composed of various tissues. Its myocardium is a type of muscular tissue.

Both the inside and the outside of it consists of connective tissue. The heart has valves that ensure the blood flows through the heart in the proper direction. The heart is, therefore, an organ made of multiple tissues.

Characteristics of Tissues

The important characteristics of tissues are below:

  1. These are the cells that share the same meanings.
  2. Group of cells performing similar duties.
  3. They carry out the duties of the organs they make up or are parts of.
  4. They have cells as their constituent parts.
  5. To restore injured tissues, they go through regeneration and fibrosis.
  6. A collection of tissues make up an organ.

Types of Tissues

types of tissues

The size, form, and functions of the body’s tissues, which consist of numerous cells, are used to categorize them. There are divisions within each of the four primary types of tissue. 

  1. Epithelial tissue
  2. Connective tissue
  3. Muscle tissue
  4. Nervous tissue

1) Epithelial Tissue

The majority of outer membranes are made of epithelial tissue, and the squamous cell’s epithelial tissues make up a large portion of your skin.

2) Connective Tissue

Connective tissue serves as a bridge between many of these other tissue types, with functions like support and protection.

3) Muscle Tissue

Skeletal muscles are made of muscular tissue, which helps construct many of your organs. Because muscle tissue may contract and relax, it can move the body both inside and outside of the body.

4) Nervous Tissue

The nervous system that controls your body comprises neurons and neuroglia, which comprise nervous tissue.

Difference Between Cells and Tissues

There are many differences between cells and tissues, given below:

The primary difference between cells and tissues is that the primary structural and functional unit of life is the cell. An organism’s entire structure is made up of its cells, which also carry out all metabolic functions.

On the other hand, a group of cells that join to carry out a particular task is known as a tissue. These cells may share the same shape or function.

Another difference between cells and tissues is that both unicellular and multicellular creatures contain cells.

While tissues are found only in multicellular organisms.

Cells develop from mitosis and meiosis cell divisions. At the same time, tissues repair through regeneration and fibrosis.

What is the Relationship Between Cells and Tissues?

There is a never-ending relationship between cells and tissues. It comes to an end when a living is passing away.

Here is how they are connected:

The smallest structural and operational unit of the human body is the cell. A tissue forms when many specialized cells work together to complete a specific task.

The organs are made up of tissues that work together to perform a specific purpose in the body. Now, an organ system is created when a collection of organs in the human body carries out the life process.

What is the Difference Between a Cell and a Tissue?

Highlighting the main differences between cells and tissues in the following table:

Cells Tissues
The most basic tiny and smallest structural and functional component of an organism are its cells. Clusters of specialized cells make up tissues.
Cells are found in both multicellular and unicellular organisms. Tissues are only found in multicellular organisms.
It consists of several cellular organelles, such as the nucleus, the Golgi apparatus, and others. It consists of cells with identical cellular make-up but different functions.
Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells are the two different types of cells. Epithelial tissue, connective tissue, muscular tissue, and nervous tissue are the four main forms of tissue.


All organisms have both structurally enclosed cells and tissues, which are crucial. In all multicellular organisms, cells form many tissues; tissues cannot exist without cells. Every living thing primarily consists of a cell.

The difference between cells and tissues is that the most basic, structural, and functional components of an organism, typically tiny, are cells.

On the other hand, the many forms of material known as tissues consist of specialized cells and their byproducts.

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