What is the Difference Between How and Why?

difference between how and why

Typically, questions are asked to gain knowledge, learn something, seek something out, obtain a response, etc. In the English language, inquiries like “How” & “Why” can be used in various contexts. We all ask questions in our daily lives using the words why and how. Both words turn a phrase into an interrogative that forces the listener to respond.

The difference between how and why is that how is used to determine how something occurred, but why is asked to determine the cause of it.

Let’s learn the significant difference between how and why below:

Definition of Why?

definition of why

“Why” is a query discussing the significance of something or the reason behind a sensible choice. When something is unknown, or a situation requires an explanation, the question “why” is used. It is primarily used to look for a reason, origin, or goal. It has a more authoritative tone. It begs for an explanation.

Asking why questions enable you to comprehend some of the factors that influence change. These inquiries can help folks who are initially unfamiliar.


  • “Why did this happen?”
  • “Why did you do this or not do this?”
  • “Why do I usually feel exhausted?”
  • “Why is my internet speed so poor?”
  • “Why does snoring happen?”
  • “Why don’t we order pizza this evening?”
  • “Why don’t you enter alone?”

Usage of Why

usage of why

1. Use as an Adverb

“Why” can be used as an adverb in the sentence.

What is the purpose? For instance, why wasn’t he acting correctly?

2. Use as Conjunction

The word “why” may be regarded as a subordinating conjunction. It helps in linking the subordinating clause to the main clause.

For what reason or objective? For instance, people have yet to learn why she is leaving.

On what basis? For instance, it is unknown why he stayed home.

For example, there are some reasons why she came back.

3. Use as Interjection

The word “why” is used to convey amazement and even hesitation.

For instance, why did she steal every balloon?

Definition of How?

definition of how

The word “how” has numerous meanings. It can be used in many ways and questioned to obtain a range of information. Generally speaking, it is used to inquire about the manner in which, the extent to which, or the state of something.

When someone uses the word “how,” they are expressing their want to know how to go about doing something, like making pizza.

“How” is immediately read as a question that requests a process explanation. When speaking with their parents and teachers, children use this word the most frequently because they want to go into detail.

Usage of How

usage of how

1. Use as an Adverb

How would that be? For instance, how did it occur?

To What extent? How hurt is he, for instance?

What state is it in? How is she, for instance?

2. Use as Conjunction

She was unable to comprehend how to do it, for instance.

Condition, For instance, she doesn’t care how you do it as long as you do it correctly.

3. Use as Idiom

Many idioms use the word “how,” such as is she depressed? Then how! We use “Here’s how” when making a toast.


  • “How about a cup of tea?”
  • “How did you find the speech?”
  • “How long were you there?”
  • “How much time does it take?”
  • “How much does this dress cost?”
  • “How did you convince John to stop?”
  • “How much does one gallon of milk weigh?”

Read more: What is the Difference Between Melodramatic and Dramatic?

Purpose of Why and How Questions

In the English language, the queries “Why” and “How” can be used in a variety of contexts.

How questions… deal with techniques, approaches, processes, and procedures.

Why questions… address causes and justifications.

“How” questions cause you to consider what’s possible and how events develop and take place. Looking at steps and sequences, you can better understand how to move from beginning to end.

In general, “how” is used to determine the manner in which something has occurred, whereas “why” is used to determine the cause of it. “How” asks about a process’ behavior or the reason for a sequence of events. “Why” is a query concerning the significance of something. You can better grasp change by asking why.


  • Why didn’t the police say anything about him?
  • How will I know if you don’t tell me?

Difference Between How and Why?

The basic difference between how and why is given below:

The primary difference between how and why is when we want to understand the logic, the purpose, or the root causes of an action or an occurrence, we ask “why.”

When we seek to understand the method, technique, or procedure by which an event occurs, has occurred, or something has come into being, we ask “how.”

Another difference between how and why is that logistics is defined by “how.” It requests the steps used to complete a task.

On the other hand, the word “why” describes motives. It queries the justifications behind the action.

How – The word “how” refers to the manner or method in which something is done.

Why – The word “why” denotes or inquires as to the purpose of the activity.


  1. How come you made that sandwich? Because I was starving.
  2. Why did you create that sandwich, for instance? “I spread peanut butter on toast and topped it with another slice,” the speaker said. Sandwich, poof.

What is the Difference Between How and Why?

what is the difference between how and why

Highlighting the main difference between how and why in the following table:

How Why
How can be used for asking for the procedure make something happen. Asking “Why” is the same as “what caused something to happen.”
“How” explains the procedure. “Why” explains the reason.
“How” requests process. “Why” asks for the goal and intention
Example: How do you improve your English? Example: Why do you improve your English?


Both “how” and “why” are used as interrogation words. They might have replies that are closely related to one another. The difference between how and why is that “how” one answers, “by what means or method,” “why” one answers, and “the reasons.”

Example: Why does the world exist? How does the world exist?

Learn more: What is the Difference Between What and Why?

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