What is the Difference Between Pint and Quart?

what is the difference between pint and quart?

Quart and pint are similar nouns because they both refer to units of volume. Despite their many similarities, they also have clear distinctions. By reading this article, find out what these two words mean, how they differ, and examples of words using them.

Pint and quart are used to measure the volume of any liquid. The difference between pint and quart is that a quart is divided into two pints by the size of a pint. Typically, a quart is a quarter of a gallon and a pint an eighth of a gallon.

Let us learn the basic difference between pint and quart below:

What is a Pint?

What is a Pint?

A pint is used to determine a liquid’s volume or capacity. Both the American customary system and the British method of measuring use it.

A pint is a volume measurement equal to one-eighth of a gallon, and it is often represented as “pt” or “p.”

When referring to beverages like beer and milk, the phrase “pint” is commonly used. For instance, you might ask for “a pint of beer” in a nightclub.

The word “pint” can also be used to describe dry items. You can purchase a pint of ice cream or a pint of strawberries at the grocery shop.

The measurement of pints to quarts is one pint = half of a quart.

Examples of Pint in Sentence

  1. Each guest at the party should be able to get a pint of beer.
  2. A pint of ice cream and three pints of blueberries are required for the recipe.

Types of Pints

There are mainly two types of the pint. The U.S. customary measurement system uses both liquid and dry pints. In metric units, dry and liquid quantities are measured using the same pint. 

  1. American Liquid Pints
  2. American Dry Pints

1. American Liquid Pints

According to American measurement standards, one liquid pint is equivalent to exactly 231 cubic inches of liquid in a gallon.

  • 1 American liquid pint = 1/8 American liquid gallon
  • 1 American liquid pint = 1/2 American liquid quart
  • 1 American liquid pint = 16 American fluid ounces
  • 1 American liquid pint = 2 American cups

2. American Dry Pints

One dry pint is equivalent to 1/64 of a bushel in the American system of measurement. In both the American and British imperial systems, a bushel is a unit of volume used to calculate dry capacity.

  • 1 American dry pint = 0.015625 bushels
  • 1 American dry pint = 0.125 American gallons
  • 1 American dry pint = 0.5 dry quarts

What is a Quart?

What is a Quart?

The volume of liquid or dry ingredients can be measured in quarts, one-fourth of a gallon. Since a quart is one-fourth of a gallon, the name “quart” is derived from the Latin “Quartus,” which means “fourth.”

A quart, also known as “qt,” is a unit of volume equal to one-fourth of a gallon. Consider the word “quart” a condensed version of the word “quarter.”

Quarts are used in a manner similar to how pints are used. You might decide to purchase a quart of beer, desserts, or raspberries.

A quart-sized container of milk is typically available at the grocery store. It is a means to calculate how much volume, or liquid, a container can hold.

Quarts are a unit of volume that can be changed into other quantities such as fluid ounces, gallons, pints, cups, and litres.

  • 1 quart = 2 pints

Examples of Quart in Sentence

Quarts are a standard size for foods like milk and ice cream. In addition, a quart is equivalent to 4 cups or 1/4 gallon of milk.

  1. We must sell the goat since it only produces a quart of milk.
  2. In one sitting, John and Mike had a quart of milk and four donuts each.

Types of Quarts

Quart comes in a wide variety of forms. But the two most common types of quart are liquid and dry.

1. Liquid Quart

The liquid quart, which equates to four cups, is the most prevalent quart.

2. Dry Quart

The dry quart, equivalent to four cups of flour, is another quart variety.

Difference Between Pint and Quart

Source: Miacademy Learning Channel

The basic difference between pint and quart below:

The primary difference between pint and quart is that the size of a quart is twice that of a pint. To put it another way, a quart of something is equivalent to two pints. And having a pint of anything is the same as having a half-quart.

Another difference between pint and quart is that one quart is equal to 32 ounces, whereas one pint is equal to 16 ounces.

Comparing pint vs. quart, a pint is an eighth of a gallon and a quarter of a gallon.

Pint Vs. Quart Size

Pint Vs. Quart Size

1. Ounces

In comparison between pint vs. quart in terms of ounces:

  • 1 Pint = 16 ounces
  • 1 quart = 32 ounces

2. Cups

In comparison between quart vs. pint in terms of cups:

  • 1 quart = 4 cups
  • 1 Pint = 2 cups

3. Gallons

In comparison between quart vs. pint in terms of gallons:

  • 1 quart = 0.25 gallons
  • 1 pint = One-eighth of a gallon

Is a Quart Bigger than a Pint?

Is a Quart Bigger than a Pint?

Yes, a quart is bigger than a pint because two pints combine to form a quart.

By multiplying the quart value by 2, you may determine how many pints there are in a given number of quarts.

  • Pints = 2 x Quarts

Below is an example of how to use this formula to determine how many pints are contained in 6.5 quarts.

  • Pints = 2 x Quarts
  • Pints = 6.5 × 2
  • Pints = 13

Therefore, there are 13 pints in 6.5 quarts.

What is the Difference Between Pint and Quart?

Highlighting the main difference between pint and quart in the following table:

Pint Quart
A pint is used to measure the volume of liquid. A quart is also used to measure the volume of liquid.
Pint is often represented as “pt” or “p.” A quart is also represented as “qt,”.
One pint is equal to half of the quart. Two pints combine to form one quart.


In both the British and the U.S. measurement system, pints and quarts are two units of measurement. The difference between pint and quart is that a pint is smaller than a quart in both systems.

Any form of liquid can be measured using pints and quarts. For instance, you could paint a portion of your living room again. Then you can purchase a quart of paint for the undertaking.

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