What is the Difference Between Sargent and Sergeant?

difference between sargent and sergeant

The English language can be difficult to learn since words are occasionally spelled unexpectedly. Many people need help deciding whether to write sergeant or sergeant.

The terms sergeant and sargent are frequently used interchangeably in the English language. It’s easy to see why! Novice authors often need to correct mistakes by mixing up the vowels -a and -e on specific words. 

The difference between sargent and sergeant is that sergeant is a rank in several uniformed organisations, primarily the military and the police force.

On the other hand, sargent is incorrect spelling. The sergeant should always be used instead of sargent, which is a common typo.

Let us learn the basic difference between sargent and sergeant below:

What is Sargent?

Sargent is a common misspelling. The correct spelling has a -e in the first portion of the term and a -ea in the second.

The correct spelling is “sergeant”. The term “sergeant” refers to a rank in a military or police force. Some people spell it sargent because of how it is spoken. Nonetheless, the sergeant is usually spelled correctly, with a “e” in the first syllable and a “ea” in the second.


1. After many years as a corporal, he was promoted to sergeant. (Correct spelling)

After many years as a corporal, he was promoted to sargent. (Incorrect spelling)

2. She expressed her feelings to the sergeant. (Correct spelling)

She expressed her feelings to the sargent. (Incorrect spelling)

What is a Sergeant?

Sergeant is a noun that refers to a position in the armed forces or the police. The first syllable is always spelled with one “e” and the second with an “ea”.

A “sergeant” is a Non-Commissioned Officer or NCO. The name sergeant comes from a Roman term that means attendant. The NCO’s responsibility is to care for the officer’s lower enlisted. They are regarded as the officer in charge’s right-hand guy.


  1. A sergeant was the highest ranking of them all.
  2. The man noticed the sergeant of the soldiers ready to return home.
  3. He joined the army in 1924 and rose to the rank of sergeant in 1932.
  4. In some circumstances, more inspectors and sergeants are available for duty than constables.
  5. These are the remarks of a seasoned traffic sergeant.

Duties of a Sergeant

They ensure that orders are obeyed and that their charges are healthy, well-trained, and disciplined. Officers may be in command, but NCOs are what keep the armed forces running.

This is now their role in the American military. This may not be as applicable in other countries’ militaries. The American military is built to have numerous layers of leadership. This ensures that the mission can be completed even if officers are killed.

  • In charge of training and directing a team of soldiers.
  • Assist as front-line supervisors.
  • Train soldiers in fighting tactics.

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Abbreviation for Sergeant

A sergeant is referred to by the acronym Sgt. The majority of military ranks have an acronym that can be used to simplify their names.

For Instance:

  • Sgt. George
  • Sgt. Smith
What is the Origin of the Word “Sergeant”?

Difference Between Sargent and Sergeant

The primary difference between sargent and sergeant are below:

The primary difference between sargent and sergeant is that sargent is an incorrect spelling while sergeant is a term used to describe the rank of the army or police officer.

Sergeant also gives important leadership by training personnel on correct traffic stops and domestic violence protocols. They typically work long hours and in stressful situations, such as reacting to emergencies or making arrests.

Another difference between sargent and sergeant is that sargent can be used in informal writing. On the other hand, Sergeant is used in the proper formal way of writing.


His father was a police sergeant, while his mother was a professor. (Correct spelling)

His father was a police sargent, while his mother was a professor. (Incorrect spelling)

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Sargent Vs. Sergeant

The comparison between sargent vs. sergeant is below:


A sergeant serves as the mediator between a duty or line officer and the lower-ranking enlisted troops. He is a member of the lower management team.

In civilian life, the sergeant is equivalent to the position of manager. He is typically the squad commander. In the Navy, he would be referred to as a junior officer.

Their responsibilities include supervising multiple employees, ensuring job completion, and training, and dealing with other admin concerns.


Sargent needs to be corrected; most people mix up sargent with sergeant and use sargent in informal writing. People commonly use the incorrect word sargent in rush or confusion.

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Correct Spelling: Sargent or Sergeant

People frequently confuse whether sargent or sergeant is the proper spelling. Your confusion will be resolved down below.

  • “Sergeant” is the correct spelling.
  • “Sargent” is the incorrect spelling.

Sargent is a common misspelling. The correct spelling has a -e in the first portion of the term and a -ea in the second.

What is the Difference Between Sargent and Sergeant?

Highlighting the main difference between sargent and sergeant in the following table:

Sergeant Sargent
A sergeant is a senior member of the police force. They are a first-line supervisor in charge of a group of police. It is used in formal writing. Sargent is a common spelling mistake. The correct spelling has a -e in the first portion of the term and a -ea in the second part. It is used in informal writing.
Example: Joseph was promoted to sergeant. (Correct Spelling) Example: Joseph was promoted to sargent. (Incorrect Spelling)


The difference between sargent and sergeant is that sergeant is the correct word to use in all situations and is used to describe an officer’s rank.

On the other hand, sargent is a popular misspelling that should never be used in your work.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is sergeant spelled in the armed services?

Sergeant is the right spelling. Drill sergeants, staff sergeants, sergeant’s majors, and other positions are all available in the military. The authority of a soldier is determined by their rank, which in the Army and U.S. The Marine is a sergeant.

What is the difference between sargent and sergeant?

A Staff Sergeant ranks higher than a standard Sergeant and is an E-6. In the Army and Marine Corps, Sergeant is the next rank up from Corporal. A popular mistaken spelling of the word sergeant is “sargent,” which is not a real word.

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